Join me (Bobbi Palmer, love coach for over 12 years!) on October 13th for 75-minutes and experience love-changing coaching plus share and connect with your Date Like a Grownup sisters...LIVE!
AND you will get started the instant you register with a self-revealing exercise + get the replay.)
At this stage of the game we have all gotten STUCK wasting time with men who won't commit, show up, or think of you before he thinks of himself. But you don't have that time to waste!
There are a lot of choices you have to make along the path to your love story, but learning how to spot and weed out the "riff-raff" is the Low-Hanging-Fruit of smart man-picking!
You will leave this training prepared to quickly spot the men who may start off charming, dynamic, fun...and then leave you in their dust.
There is a lot happening in the world right now that is out of your control. But you CAN learn how to grab power over your love life so you can make a beeline to the man who should have his arm around you right now.
All for the cost of less than one decent glass of wine!
5:30pm PDT
I noticed that when I decided to marry him, the decision was made with both my head and my heart. We are as in love and committed as ever, and our first year wedding anniversary is coming up in May. So thank you because you definitely helped make all of this happen. It was you who helped me see clearly who I am as a woman and what I wanted in a man. Much love to you.
Bobbi Palmer became a first-time bride at age 47 and is now a woman on a mission: She’s here to help YOU find love.
And by “find love” she means “find a man who has his life together; is looking forward to an exciting future; and wants a true partner to share that life.” In other words, find love with a grownup guy!
As an internationally recognized dating coach for women over 40 who delivers compassionate, tangible advice…with a side of sass…Bobbi is here to tell you:
1) There are plenty of fantastic, single grownup men out there,
2) they are looking for a woman just like you, and
3) you can have fun on your journey to finding him. (Maybe doing something that includes some good tequila?)
If you want dating help that actually makes sense for a woman like you, you can find Bobbi at